About the Aga Khan Development Network
The Aga Khan Foundation is one of nine agencies comprising the Aga Khan Development Network. The AKDN uses a multifaceted approach to improve the quality of life for the most marginalised communities in selected regions of the world, including South and Central Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East. It implements sustainable, long-term programmes to address the many factors contributing to poverty.
In partnership with governments, businesses and civil society organisations, the Network embeds physical and social infrastructure, health and education services, business and finance facilities, habitat and environmental planning, and cultural preservation and revitalisation within the communities it serves. Over time, people develop their own resources and capacities and, ultimately, self-reliance, notably through the creation of a vibrant and competent civil society – the cornerstone of any healthy and prosperous nation.

Pluralism – the embrace of difference – is central to AKDN’s work. Guided by the belief that in an ever-shrinking, ever more diverse world, a genuine sense of pluralism is the indispensable foundation for human peace and progress, theNetwork aims to improve living conditions and opportunities for people regardless of their faith, race, ethnicity, or gender.
Each year, agencies of the AKDN:
- Deliver 8 million outpatient visits through more than 700 health facilities
- Provide early childhood development to over 2.3 million preschool children
- Teach nearly 1 million students through 200 schools and 2 universities
- Provide safe water to over 770,000 people
- Generate 1.8 billion kWh of clean electricity
- Provide financial services to over 50 million people
- Train thousands of community volunteers in disaster management & response
- Plant over 3.2 million trees
Singular inputs alone will not do the job. But if we can work simultaneously and synergistically on several fronts, then progress in one area will spur progress in other areas. The whole can be greater than the sum of its parts.His Highness the Aga Khan

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