The month in pictures: November
Climate-friendly art in Kenya, sunsets over the Indian Ocean, and snowy peaks on the ‘roof of the world’: see what we’ve been up to this month.

Members of Pwani Youth Network proudly show off their colourful, climate-friendly art. These young people spent an afternoon painting recycled bottles – an activity facilitated by the network’s newly established community library, which caters to learners in and out of school. Pwani Youth Network supports youth, children, women and people living with disabilities. The organisation is a long-term partner of AKF, most recently through the Schools2030 programme, which supported the process of setting up the community library, including providing storybooks and leading participatory training sessions for staff.
Location: Mombasa, Kenya / Photographer: Isaac Njagi

The AKF team in Syria is working with agricultural communities to test the best material for vermicompost units – stone, wood or cement. Vermicompost is the product of the decomposition process using various species of worms. It is considered one of the most effective organic fertilisers to replace chemical alternatives, driving the transition towards regenerative agriculture. Here, AKF staff met with farmers to check on the progress and quality of the compost in each unit.
Location: Salamieh, Syria / Photographer: Ali Shaheen

Sunset over the Indian Ocean in Pemba, a region that is increasingly vulnerable to climate change. This is threatening livelihoods and deepening poverty and food insecurity; poverty in turn fuels overuse of coastal natural resources as a means of survival. This year, AKF launched its Indian Ocean Coastal Regeneration Initiative which aims to protect 100,000 hectares of coastal ecosystems and strengthen livelihoods for millions of coastal residents, fostering harmony between communities and nature.
Location: Pemba, Mozambique / Photographer: Rich Townsend

At the Cerebral Palsy Association’s Education Hub in Salamieh, a teacher guides a student as she learns through play. AKF Syria is supporting the association to bolster its services, training early childhood development teachers to lead one-to-one speech, motor and visual coordination sessions, tailored to each learner’s individual needs.
Location: Salamieh, Syria / Photographer: Ali Shaheen

On the left is a traditional method of growing rice, while on the right is rice grown using the SRI (System of Rice Intensification) method. The SRI rice is visibly healthier than the traditional crop, with more tillers – branches that grow independently from the main stem of the plant, and produces the rice grains. The SRI method produces twice as much rice as traditional methods and is a climate-resilient approach. It reduces labor and costs, eliminates the need for flood irrigation, enhances productivity, reduces methane emissions, and promotes healthier soil and plants.
Location: Uttar Pradesh, India / Photographer: Seemab Alam

The Baltit community celebrate as they complete the process of planting 5,000 new trees in their local area. They have partnered with the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) to transform 600 kanals (~500m²) of barren land into thriving forests, promoting biodiversity and combating soil erosion. AKRSP’s climate resilience initiatives aim to mitigate climate change impacts by increasing forest cover, easing pressure on natural forests, and supporting regenerative agriculture.
Location: Hunza, Pakistan / Photographer: Waeem Baigal

In the Kyrgyz Republic’s urban areas, only 34% of children attend kindergarten, whilst in rural areas it is only 20%. In some parts of the country, teachers have taken things into their own hands to deliver early childhood development (ECD) services to their communities. Nazgul Ibraeva, pictured here, is just one example. With support from AKF’s Local Impact project, she has created a safe and inclusive learning environment for pre-school age children, including those with disabilities. Over 200 children have graduated from Nazgul’s centre and four women have been employed as ECD teachers and teaching assistants.
Location: Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic / Photograph: Local Impact

Badakhshan’s arid landscape presents major challenges for its residents, with dry, barren land and limited water resources making agriculture difficult. Farming relies on irrigation, but water is scarce and unpredictable, leading to food insecurity. The region’s isolation also limits access to markets and essential goods, further impacting livelihoods. These harsh conditions are exacerbated by frequent natural disasters. To address this, AKF supports communities through climate-resilient agriculture, skills training, and infrastructure development, helping residents adapt and improve their quality of life.
Location: Badakhshan, Afghanistan / Photographer: Ferdaws Naeemi

The mountains of Central Asia are often referred to as the ‘roof of the world’. Here, in eastern Tajikistan’s GBAO region, the Pamir Mountains stand tall, blanketed with snow and showing the early signs of winter. Sharofat, Communications Officer at AKF Tajikistan, who took the photograph shares, “As I stand at the top, taking a photo of the stunning peaks, the clouds are below me.”
Location: GBAO, Tajikistan / Photographer: Sharofat Shafieva

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