
  • Established 2006
  • People Reached 66,041 (2023)


The Aga Khan Foundation has operated in Madagascar since 2006 with an initial mandate to address rural poverty in the Sofia region. The Organisation de Soutien pour le Développement Rural à Madagascar was established in 2012 and has expanded its geographic scope since 2014.

Alongside the Organisation de Soutien pour le Développement Rural à Madagascar, the Aga Khan Foundation leads a range of integrated, innovative and gender sensitive programmes in Madagascar’s Analamanga, Vakinankaratra, Analanjirofo, Diana, Itasy, Sava, Sofia and Melaky regions.

Featured News: Madagascar

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Our impact in Madagascar in 2023


People supported directly and indirectly through civil society organisations, 71% of whom were women


Trees planted, 36,252 of which were fruit trees to support nutrition and household incomes


Farmers accessed agricultural support

In partnership with

The following list of partners represents a selection that AKF and OSDRM collaborates with in Madagascar and is not exhaustive.


Contact us

Organisation de Soutien pour le Développement Rural à Madagascar (OSDRM)
Immeuble APPEL 2ème étage porte droite
Lot II L 111 ED, Ankorondrano
Antananarivo, Madagascar

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The Zanatany System

A successful regenerative rice cultivation system. 100% organic and sustainable.



