Community Roots, Global Reach: Four climate resilience lessons from Tanzania
Climate Resilience
Read news and stories from AKF and the countries and communities we serve.
Climate Resilience
In Climate Conversation with: Mike Bowles, AKF’s Regional Co-Director for Programmes & Partnerships in North America who previously led AKF’s work and enterprise portfolio. Climate Conversations is a series of interviews with experts from AKF and its partners, exploring how AKF is tackling pressing climate challenges to help communities build resilience and improve their quality of life.
The Sindh Coastal Resilience Integrated Programme will focus on addressing climate vulnerabilities and creating economic opportunities for communities most affected by climate change.
Over the last couple of years, the term ‘Nature-based Solutions’ or ‘NbS’ has increasingly entered the vocabulary of those working in the environment and development space. NbS are widely considered to be an important component in achieving sustainable development and addressing climate change. But what are NbS?
New programme part of broader efforts to promote a low-carbon, sustainable economy and society in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral
As farmers in Madagascar struggle to cope with the devastating effects of climate change and the economic shocks it brings, some are turning to regenerative farming
Rising temperatures and historical legacies place the Kyrgyz Republic's vital waterways – and those who depend on them – under pressure
Blue Horizons, a new series presented by the World Ocean Council, includes ‘The Guardians of Mozambique’s Coasts’, produced for AKF by BBC StoryWorks
On World Environment Day, find out how we are supporting communities to strengthen their resilience to desertification and drought
The Aga Khan Foundation welcomes delegates from around the world for third annual Schools2030 Global Forum