News & Stories

Read news and stories from AKF and the countries and communities we serve.

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The month in pictures: November

The month in pictures: November

Climate-friendly art in Kenya, sunsets over the Indian Ocean, and snowy peaks on the ‘roof of the world’: see what we’ve been up to this month.

Planting seeds: Meet Christopher in Uganda

Planting seeds: Meet Christopher in Uganda

Christopher participated in a workshop, supported by the Aga Khan Foundation and Global Affairs Canada, where he and his neighbours worked to identify barriers to education in their community.

Agriculture & Food Security Education

The carry all: Meet Richard in Uganda

The carry all: Meet Richard in Uganda

Meet Richard, a teacher in Uganda, who is working to make education more accessible in his community.


On the road to save lives: Mobile health clinics in Mozambique

On the road to save lives: Mobile health clinics in Mozambique

In the lush landscapes of Cabo Delgado, where the roads are often unpaved and health facilities are few and far between, access to quality healthcare is one of the main challenges facing rural communities in Mozambique’s northernmost province.

Health & Nutrition

The green economy: Can entrepreneurship help build climate resilient communities?

The green economy: Can entrepreneurship help build climate resilient communities?

In Climate Conversation with: Mike Bowles, AKF’s Regional Co-Director for Programmes & Partnerships in North America who previously led AKF’s work and enterprise portfolio. Climate Conversations is a series of interviews with experts from AKF and its partners, exploring how AKF is tackling pressing climate challenges to help communities build resilience and improve their quality of life.

Climate Resilience Work & Enterprise

The month in pictures: October

The month in pictures: October

Tree planting at a Madrasah in northern Pakistan, building veterinary expertise in Kyrgyz Republic, and improving quality of life in Afghanistan’s most remote provinces: see what we’ve been up to this month.



