The month in pictures: March
Read news and stories from AKF and the countries and communities we serve.
A Mozambican mosque at dawn, supporting earthquake-affected communities in Syria, and strengthening civil society networks in Porto: scroll down to see what we’ve been up to this month.
Through a consortium of partners, AKF’s new programme will support Cabo Delgado’s small-scale food producers to build agricultural sustainability and create economic opportunities in one of Mozambique’s poorest and most fragile regions
'Start-Up Pakistan' will empower start-ups across diverse sectors, working towards SDGs 5 and 8
Mwinyi attended Rasul Akram Early Childhood Development School in Kwale, Kenya, where his teacher, Bahati, helped set the foundation for his education journey.
A visit from the president in Portugal, TEDx youth workshops in Syria, and a teacher showcase of classroom innovations in Kenya: scroll down to see what we’ve been up to this month.
Over the last couple of years, the term ‘Nature-based Solutions’ or ‘NbS’ has increasingly entered the vocabulary of those working in the environment and development space. NbS are widely considered to be an important component in achieving sustainable development and addressing climate change. But what are NbS?
New initiative aims to support over 1 million pregnant women, mothers and children in particularly marginalised and underserved areas
Meet Esther, a student living in a refugee settlement in Uganda, who is planting seeds of change and making education more accessible for students at her school.
Re-cultivating soil in the Kyrgyz Republic, girls’ football in Syria, and giant cabbages in Mozambique: scroll down to see what we’ve been up to this month.