Accelerate Prosperity
Inspiring rising entrepreneurs in Central and South Asia to grow new markets, create sustainable employment, and strengthen communities
Empowering people – especially the young – to access economic opportunities and create sustainable, prosperous futures.
The Aga Khan Foundation works with our wide network of partners to help communities tackle economic exclusion and unemployment and improve the economic well-being of women and men, particularly youth.
We focus our support on promoting in-demand, future-facing skills and work opportunities, while promoting local entrepreneurship and SMEs through training, mentoring, and access to finance.
There are those who enter the world in such poverty that they are deprived of both the means and the motivation to improve their lot. Unless they can be touched with the spark which ignites the spirit of individual enterprise and determination, they will only sink back into renewed apathy, degradation and despair.His Highness the Aga Khan
Our flagship enterprise development initiative Accelerate Prosperity has already boosted more than 3,400 small and growing businesses, while our employable skills programme and Future of Work initiative - which seeks to prepare youth for digital and green jobs - is benefiting more than 20,000 individuals per year, over half of whom are women.
By offering employable skills training and access to business support services
By improving access to markets and services and supporting existing enterprises
By connecting communities with financial services, either locally managed or commercial financial providers
Inspiring rising entrepreneurs in Central and South Asia to grow new markets, create sustainable employment, and strengthen communities
Our Work & Enterprise programmes address the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Support our work Your donations are helping us build a future where we all thrive together.